Sub Initialize
' dims used with these functions
Dim db As NotesDatabase ' this/current db
Dim sendtonm As String ' the recipient of this report when mailed
Dim expfilenm As String ' file attachment name
Dim expsendflag As String ' "0" to download, "1" to send in e-mail
Dim filehandlenum As Integer ' filehandle to attachment file being generated
Dim msubject As String ' memo subject for SendFile function
Dim mbodyintro As String ' memo body intro for SendFile function
filehandlenum = FileOpenWrite(expfilenm)
If (filehandlenum = 0) Then
' error occured opening file
Print |Unabled to Open File. Aborting Export.|
Exit Sub
End If
Call FileWriteLine("string to write", expsendflag, filehandlenum)
Call FileCloseWrite(filehandlenum)
Call SendFile(db, sendtonm, expfilenm, msubject, mbodyintro)
If (FileKill(expfilenm) = 0 ) Then
' error occured killing file
Print |Unabled to remove temporary File, | & expfilenm & |, from temporary directory. Remove manually.|
End If
Exit Sub
Function FileOpenWrite(expfilenm As String) As Integer
Dim filenum As Integer ' filehandle
Dim tempdir As String ' temp directory on server
Dim fname As String ' filename/filepath
On Error Goto FErrorHandler
' setup filepath
filenum = Freefile
tempdir = Environ("Temp")
fname = tempdir & "\" & expfilenm & ".xls"
' open up new file for write
Open fname For Output As filenum
' return success as file handle
FileOpenWrite = filenum
Exit Function
Print "(FileOpenWrite) Error. Info: " & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$ & " on line: " & Cstr(Erl) & "
FileOpenWrite =0
Exit Function
End Function
Function FileOpenRead(inpfilenm As String) As Integer
Dim filenum As Integer ' filehandle
Dim tempdir As String ' temp directory on server
Dim fname As String ' filename/filepath
On Error Goto FErrorHandler
' setup filepath
filenum = Freefile
tempdir = Environ("Temp")
fname = tempdir & "\" & inpfilenm & ".xls"
' open up new file for input
Open fname For Input As filenum
' return success as file handle
FileOpenRead = filenum
Exit Function
Print "(FileOpenRead) Error. Info: " & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$ & " on line: " & Cstr(Erl) & "
FileOpenRead =0
Exit Function
End Function
Function FileWriteLine(linetext As String, expsendflag As String, filehandlenum As Integer) As Integer
' writes a line either to file or browser depending on sendxlsflag
If (expsendflag="1") Then
Print # filehandlenum, linetext
Print linetext
End If
FileWriteLine = 1
End Function
Function FileCloseWrite(filehandlenum As Integer) As Integer
' closes open file
Close filehandlenum
' return success
End Function
Function FileCloseRead(filehandlenum As Integer) As Integer
' closes open file
Close filehandlenum
' return success
End Function
Function SendFile(db As NotesDatabase, sendtonm As String, expfilenm As String, msubject As String,_
mbodyintro As String) As Integer
' sends created attachment file, in e-mail
' db - current db, used to create mDoc
' sendtonm - person to whom to send attachment
' expfilenm - attachment filename/filepath
' msubject - subject of memo
' mbodyintro - body intro text before attachment
Dim tempdir As String ' temp directory on server
Dim fname As String ' filename/filepath to file to attach
Dim mDoc As NotesDocument ' memo doc
Dim mBody As NotesRichTextItem ' Body field of mDoc
On Error Goto FErrorHandler
On Error 4294 Goto UserNotFoundHandler
' get file full path
tempdir = Environ("Temp")
fname = tempdir & "\" & expfilenm
' create memo
Set mDoc = db.CreateDocument()
mDoc.Form = "Memo"
mDoc.SaveMessageOnSend = False
mDoc.From = sendtonm
mDoc.ReplyTo = sendtonm
mDoc.Principal = sendtonm
mDoc.INetFrom = sendtonm
mDoc.SendTo = sendtonm
mDoc.Subject = msubject
Set mBody = mDoc.CreateRichTextItem("Body")
Call mBody.AppendText(mbodyintro)
Call mBody.AddNewline(2)
Call mBody.EmbedObject(EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", expfilenm)
Call mDoc.Send(False)
' return success as file handle
SendFile = 1
Exit Function
Print |(SendFile) Error| & Str(Err) & |: | & Error$ & | at line # | & Cstr(Erl)
Exit Function
Print |(SendFile) Unabled to send to, | & sendtonm & |. User not found in the Domino Directory(s).|
Exit Function
End Function
Function FileKill(expfilenm as String) As Integer
On Error Goto FErrorHandler
' kill any existing temp file
Kill expfilenm
' return success
FileKill = 1
Exit Function
Print |(FileKill) Error| & Str(Err) & |: | & Error$ & | at line # | & Cstr(Erl)
FileKill = 0
Exit Function
End Function